Saturday, May 20, 2006

rough day

i woke up in super bitch mode today. no idea why, but from the moment my feet touched the ground this morning, i was in a piss poor mood and i took it out (of course) on jeff. gawd. poor guy. why he puts up with me, i'll never know.

somehow we managed to make it to kate's ballet performance this afternoon (that in itself was an ordeal. jeff was kind enough to let me take a nap but only gave me 15 minutes to get dressed, get kate dressed, gather all the stuff we needed and get out the door before heading to her performance. didn't help my mood much.).

but kate's performance was great. you know how there is always that one kid who doesn't pay attention and talks to their parents in the audience and is all over that place? that's my kid. yep. it was wonderful. embarrassingly wonderful. jeff is putting together some video footage so hopefully i'll post that sometime this week.

it's days like today that i'm grateful for my husband. i was awful and moody and mean and he is still asking me if i'm ok and if there is anything he can do for me.

maybe he's just scared. :)

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I hope today is better.