Wednesday, September 06, 2006

detox sucks

this week, week one of the 'dare to lose' plan, is called detox.

i hate it.

i had to go to the grocery store last night to pick up baby wipes. it's never a good idea to go the grocery store when you're hungry, never mind when you're forced to eat only vegetables for a week. i walked slowly down the ice cream aisle looking longingly at my old friends, ben and jerry. i made my way over to the deli to fondle my favorite cheeses (hello muenster! looking good, provolone).


the woman who runs the program said that after day three, it won't be as hard. day three is tomorrow. she'd better be right. i'm ready to gnaw my arm off.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your mom...your digestive track may work overtime but you are going to feel super after this week!

Anonymous said...

ugh! i completely sympathize! it is probably time for jeff to take over the trips to the grocery store!