Friday, March 23, 2007

big yellow taxi

well it might as well be.


we didn't get to choose the exterior paint colors for our house. if we had, it most certainly wouldn't be yellow with dark green shutters. nothing wrong with the combo, mind you, just not my taste. i would have preferred a tan house with black shutters. or a white house with black shutters.

simple. neutral. tasteful. quiet.

instead, we have a house that waves and yells, "well howdy, y'all!" at everyone who passes by.


Unknown said...

Yellow isn't a bad color!!! I saw a house that was... BRIGHT PINK... now would you rather live in a house thats bright pink or yellow? i say yellow!

Wendy said...

I can't see the photos, but I'm sure it's cheery :)

Always looking on the bright side from here...