Friday, March 16, 2007

i laughed out loud

today while waiting to pick kate and jack up from school, i browsed the little 'life' magazine that comes with our friday newspaper. there was an interview with chris rock and one of the questions was about whether or not america is ready for a black president (referring to barack obama). chris rock's reply? 'well the country is ready for a retarded president so why not a black one?'

i love chris rock.


JJisafool said...

Sweet - I have so-ho-ho-ho-hoooooooo waiting for a post that wasn't about your new house.

And that Rock line cracked me up, too.

JJisafool said...

add "been" to tha first sentence, and then we're golden

kristin said...

what? you don't wake up every morning wondering about the progress on my new house? news of the new countertops and cabinets doesn't make your day??



TASZL said...

I'd like to know more about the status of your house please.