Monday, March 26, 2007

jumped the shark

anyone know the fashion equivalent of jumping the shark? because i think i might have reached it today.

i bought a miraclesuit.

you know, the swimsuit that claims to make you look like you're 10 pounds lighter? the one all the moms at the pool wear and think that no one knows all that ruching in the front is hiding a pot belly?

yep. i bought one.

so now i'm married, have two kids, a dog, a minivan, a house in the burbs AND a miracle suit. i'm pretty sure the last of any coolness i might have had is officially gone.


danl77 said...

wow, you actually assumed that you were cool to begin with...

Wendy said...

I think you're still cool.

(as I sing...I need a miracle everyday...)

Me said...

Who needs cool when you've got family.