Thursday, June 22, 2006

packing day

it's the most dreaded day of all the days: packing-to-go-on-vacation-for-a-week day.

thankfully, my friend's 11-year-old son is coming over for a couple of hours to play with the kids so i can get stuff done. his mother called me a few days ago to tell me that he had two days without camp activities and to ask if i interested in a mother's helper either day.

um, YES.

the timing couldn't be better. he'll entertain the kids while i do laundry, pack suitcases, and scrounge up sunscreen, swim diapers, juice boxes and DVDs for the 10-hour car trip to hilton head. i'm going to have him come over every packing day from now on :)

(the usa vs. ghana world cup match is on at 10am. i know we're going to get killed and be out of the cup, but i'm hoping against hope for an upset. fingers crossed.)

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