Monday, July 02, 2007


anyone out there been to mexico? i'm looking at booking a vacation, just me and my mom, and i know next to nothing about it. don't even know where to start looking. i think we'd like to stay at a nice (very nice) hotel but also have access to some less touristy areas.

leave a comment or email me at kristin at havitad dot com.



Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Hi Kristin

I'm emailing this link to Melissa; she's been to Mexico and rented houses there several times. She's in Vegas right now, but hopefully she'll have some advice for you when she gets back!

Wendy said...

Cabo San Lucas. Just ask me. I'll tell you all about it. It's magical.

Me said...

I haven't been very far out of Sydney. I should be ashamed of my efforts :(

Anonymous said...

There's always La Casa Que Canta! Ryan and I thoroughly enjoyed it while we were there. It's in Zihuatenejo.