Saturday, January 28, 2006

vacation from my life

(editor's note: i'm PWI. posting while intoxicated. a nice kettle one and tonic. yum.)

i drove into baltimore last night to spend the weekend by myself. no kids, no dog, no husband. i love them all but i needed a break.

so i slept in until 6am today (some habits can't be broken) but i laid in bed and WATCHED TV until 9:30am. when's the last time i got to do that? and then. THEN. i took a LONG shower and SHAVED MY LEGS. both of them. at the same time. and then i got to dry my hair completely and put on some makeup. it was glorious. i didn't see the light of day until 11am when i wandered around mt. vernon.

i got some coffee at donna's cafe and sat outside in the sun and 60 degree weather and read a book. and then i got tired. so i went back to my hotel room and took a nap. and i've been inside, in bed, napping, reading magazines and watching tbs all day.

the most indulgent part of the entire weekend was the very fact that i stayed inside on a beautiful day. i didn't feel the need to take the kids out to make the most of this temporary break in the winter weather. i didn't feel the need to walk the dog extra long because it wasn't windy and freezing outside. i didn't feel the need to do anything except read trashy magazines and lounge in bed.

it was a glorious day.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I can't tell you how envious I am. It sounds perfect.