Wednesday, July 19, 2006


i borrowed a friend's 'oprah's 20th anniversary' DVD collection over the weekend and have been watching it. last night while i was skimming through it, i hit a segment where oprah talks about her gratitude journal. she writes down at least 5 things every days that she is grateful for - and they have to be things that happened that day.

i thought it sounded like a nice idea and something i could certainly use right now as i throw daily temper tantrums about building our dream house and seem to be having a hard time focusing on the things i *do* have instead of all the things i don't. i decided last night to start it today and to post it on my blog so i had more incentive to do it.

it was not to be.

this morning after dropping kate off at preschool, i backed into a parked car in the parking lot. hello?? my car has a back-up camera in it. when i put my car in reverse, there is a camera on my dashboard to show me what's behind me and i STILL managed to nail the other minivan. the woman was very gracious and kind and it turns out it's just paint damage (so i guess there's something to be grateful for afterall!).

then i met my friend at the mall. she needed to return some bras to nordstrom and decided to get fitted for the correct size so she could buy the right bra. i decided to get fitted, too, since it has been a year since i was last measured and my bras had become a little, ahem, snug lately.

turns out i've gone up two cup sizes in a year. TWO. CUP. SIZES. i now wear a size 34-ginormous. it just reinforced the fact that i've put on weight lately, despite the fact that i am eating better and working out more. how is this possible? (i'm blaming it on a thryroid condition. my dad has one and he has been after me for years to get mine tested. my obgyn gave me some paperwork to get some annual bloodwork done and she included checking my thyroid on it. i don't know if i'm hoping i DO have a thyroid condition or not.)

so tomorrow, then. tomorrow i'll start my online gratitude journal. hold me to it.


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

On a similar note, I kept a "Line a day" journal for years, and I LOVE to look back at it. It's so easy to commit to writing one thing a day, and I look back now, and remember delivering newspapers with my son, and going to dinner with friends.

I got lazy when my book filled up. Maybe I'll create an e-line journal!

Wendy said...

Your mom cracks me up. Do what she tells you.

Anonymous said...

you are the only person i know who complains about going up 2 cup sizes! :)
as for the thyroid, you should listen to your mother and definetly get it checked out. it's a pretty easy condition to get taken care of..but don't get your hopes up that being on medication will help get rid of any weight certainly didn't for me!