Thursday, July 27, 2006

more alike than we think

i got a cool email today from someone who read my blog for the first time today (hi TL!). she and another woman have girls kate's age and we're trying to coordinate a party for the three of them since their birthdays are within a few days of each other.

anyway, this woman said she read my entire blog and mentioned a lot of the ways that we're alike. and it occured to me that we're all probably a lot more alike than we realize. but because no one talks about being insecure or not wanting to entertain their kids all the time or about buying new clothes instead of doing laundry, we assume no one else feels that way. and we feel isolated and lonely.

it doesn't need to be that way. i wish we weren't all so afraid to admit what we think are weaknesses but are, in truth, really just human nature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, even though Finley is only 7 months old, can I get in on this party? : - ) I feel the same way you and TL do all the time. Insecure, not sure I'm a good mom, bored with Baby Einstein. It's nice to know I'm not alone...