Monday, January 08, 2007

just being funny

i got a wild hair and decided to make dinner tonight. i've been scrambling around the kitchen looking for ingredients and cookbooks and pots and pans.

kate saw me and asked me what i was doing.

i (rather proudly) told her i was cooking dinner and she laughed.

"you're just being funny, right mommy? you don't cook dinner, DADDY cooks dinner!"

heh heh heh. yep, just being funny.


danl77 said...

Perhaps you shoud start with something easier, like PopCorn?

JJisafool said...

I was extolling the virtues of sharing to Liv one day, and told her Daddy always shares.

"You don't always share," she said.

"When doesn't Daddy share?"

"You don't share the kitchen with Mama."

I had to give her that one.