Monday, February 27, 2006


i was in kohl's today - not by choice, but because i was killing time. i figured as long as i was there, i'd see if they had any white polo shirts for jack (for a wedding rehearsal dinner we have coming up).

my sister-in-law loves kohls. i've been a few times and always left with nothing (and always left feeling exhausted). so i decided to try it out again today and now i know why i hate it.

it's a MESS.

the aisles are narrow and crowded. there are clothes lying (laying? i can never remember which is right) in the aisles. the clothes that are hanging up are just thrown wherever so that you have 12 month shirts right next to 3T shorts. it's a completely overwhelming and frustrating experience.

i would much (MUCH) rather spend 4 times the price for a shirt at nordstrom where i know i can walk in, go directly to the rack i need and get exactly what i want. and if i can't find what i need, i know there is always a salesperson available to help me.

last week, jeff risley posted on his blog about brand loyalty. i'd have to say that nordstrom is the brand i am most loyal to. kohl's could learn a thing or two from them.

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