Thursday, April 27, 2006

broke the seal

there's a store in the mall called libby lu and it's like claire's on acid. it hurts my eyes just to walk past the store and, until today, i'd been successful in avoiding it when kate was with me.

but today i was in a good mood and she was looking particularly cute and she'd gotten herself dressed this morning so i figured what the heck.

we went in.


kate was in heaven. heaven. everything was pink and purple and glittery and sparkely. even jack loved it (which is a whole different issue...). i don't remember liking this stuff as a young kid. i remember liking trucks and dirt and playing in the woods. am i forgetting what it was like to be a little girl or is my daughter the polar opposite of me?

(this was the least offensive item i could find in the store and she actually needed a new headband. me? i'd have gotten a nice, subtle, thin tortoise shell headband. kate? the more garish the better.

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