Wednesday, April 05, 2006

good news/bad news

good news:
jack peed on the toilet today for the first time. he actually started grabbing at his diaper and said 'potty seat!' a few times. so i sat him on the toilet (not thinking he really had to go or actually knew what to do once he was on the toilet). five minutes later, he peed!

bad news:
since a) i didn't think he really had to go and b) i've never potty trained a boy, i didn't double check that his penis was pointing down. so when he peed, it shot straight out, hit the wall and splashed all over me. i screamed and scared the bejeezus out of jack and he started crying.

i'm guessing i properly scared him out of using the toilet for the rest of his life.


Wendy said...

Send him over here. We'll fix him in a jiffy.

PS: Don't for a second think that he'll actually get all his pee in the toilet at any time in the next 20 years. Not going to happen.

Jodie said...

I potty trained 1 boy & 3 girls. Girls are easier! My son learned that he could "aim" about day 3 of potty training and boy do they get creative! Good Luck!