Tuesday, May 09, 2006


so i told a friend i'd help her out on a project. it took me about 5 hours to complete and i did it for free (although it's something i would normally charge $25/hour to do). she spends a lot of time with my family so she knows that i'm busy with two small kids and trying to start up a photography business and with life in general. she always comments on it so i know it hasn't escaped her.

so. the favor. i told her i would have it done by the 10th (she needs it by the 11th). yesterday we were emailing about something unrelated and she sent me an email that said "is my [project] done yet?".

not, 'hey, how's it coming?' or 'i know you're busy, thanks for working on it, do you need anything else from me?' or anything equally tactful. granted, she's a few years younger than me, but still. it's common courtesy, right?

so i finished the project today and she sent me a three word email: 'looks awesome thanks'.

and that's that.

and i'm pissed. i didn't do the job so that she would thank me, but i really went out on a limb to do it and i feel completely unappreciated. and the thing that makes me the most mad is that i KNEW it would be like this. this is just how this friend is. she expects things to be done for her and usually they are. she's a nice person and i like having her around, but i also know that she is who she is.

so i guess it's my own fault for expecting something from her that i knew all along i wouldn't get.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely understand...I have a friend that acts the same way...it drives me crazy!