Sunday, May 07, 2006


i went to a great party last night (and i'm not just saying that in case the host reads my blog!). when i got the invite, i realized that jeff would be out of town. i figured i'd go for a couple of hours and then head home. i mean, a bunch of people i don't really know without jeff? eh.

but it was so much fun. the hosts know how to throw a party: it was catered by my favorite restaurant and the drinks were flowing. but best of all, the people there was so interesting. really and truly. i think this is (one of) my favorite thing about these friends - their other friends. there is always good conversation and i always learn something new.

so thanks party hosts - i had a great time and was desperately wishing i hadn't told my babysitter i'd be home by 9:30.

(oh! and a shout out to elizabeth who is a) pregnant and b) told me last night that she reads my blog every day. holy cow! i thought only wendy and my mom read this thing!)


Wendy said...

So does Andrew. And Risa and Amy, I think.

It was a great crowd, I agree. Everyone mixed so well! We had fun too...

Jodie said...

I read your blog at least once a week. I really like it, love your photography too! So you have fans in Kansas!

Anonymous said...

Wendy is right...I do read it! :) Risa